Best winamp skins 2019
Best winamp skins 2019

best winamp skins 2019

I love/loved Alien and Aliens, so finding an awesome desktop theme with a matching Winamp skin to go with all the other stuff going on in my room all those years was just gravy. Plus, usually I paired it with a matching Alien desktop theme. Not only did it sport an awesome green/black color combination, but everything down to the font at the top of skin made it look eerie. Though Winamp has plenty of awesome skins, my tastes led me to develop a love for two Winamp skins in particular. Picking an appropriate desktop theme to match with the Winamp skin I chose was also a must. I’d often go with a skin that would match the hue given off by one of my lamps. Picking a Winamp skin was part of this customization process.

best winamp skins 2019

I made a habit of tricking my room out with lava lamps, candles and incense to go along with whatever Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd or song/playlist I was listening to at the time. Growing up, I not only developed a love for Winamp and its skins, but I also got into a bunch of other stuff you wouldn’t expect from a kid in the 90s and 2000s. That includes Winamp, the media player that’s been around since 1997, which offers its users the ability to personalize the player with user-created skins, along with a bevy of other features, including MP3 and CD ripping.

best winamp skins 2019

I have an affinity for the 90s like few others do.

Best winamp skins 2019